5 Welcoming Paint Colours to Consider for Your New Front Door

A new coat of paint can turn your home’s front door into a wonderful welcome sign. If you’re thinking about painting your new door, here are five fab colours to consider.

Yellow or lime green

Not only are the colours in this colour family cheerful, they are welcoming and fun, too. Choose a bright yellow or lime green to offset a more bland home colour and add a pop of personality to the front of your home. These sunny colours make a nice contrast to boring gray or other dark colours and it’s just enough colour to avoid being ‘over the top.’

Ruby red

Deep, bright reds are vibrant and bold, but they’re also intriguing. A red door is practically an invitation--it wants you to come inside and stay awhile! Since red is such a dramatic colour choice, it works best if the rest of your house’s exterior is more subdued. It looks amazing against a white backdrop, but it also adds a little passion to a more drab gray home, too.

Teal or aqua blue

This shade of blue is both soft and exciting. It has the appeal of a pastel with the vibrancy of something just beyond a primary colour. Aqua tones are bright, but not too showy. They can perk up neutral home colours like grays and beiges, and they absolutely stun when set against a white homefront. This type of blue is like a breath of fresh air for your home’s exterior.


If you really don’t want colour, but you do want a sense of warmth and welcome, gray is a wonderful choice. The right shade of soft gray can be the complete opposite of boring--it can be soft and inviting without overpowering the senses. Don’t use gray if your home’s exterior is gray or you risk the door simply fading into the background.


Black is an elegant and timeless choice that makes a big statement. Paired with a white home, a simple black door is bold and inviting, especially if you top it off with a shiny brass door knocker or handpainted ‘welcome’ sign.

For more tips on choosing a new door for your home, visit Windows Plus today.

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